Standing Strong

Universal North America began operations in Sarasota, Fla., and is now a super-regional carrier with operations in 17 states and across four times zones. Our vision is very clear. We follow a conservative business philosophy and provide exceptional care to our customers and stakeholders.

Because of our rock-solid financial foundation, we are able to pay claims and take care of our policyholders when they need it most. That has been proven time and again — during the “Big 4 of ’04,” when a record number of hurricanes hit Florida, through the devastating aftermath of Superstorm Sandy and hundreds of other events.


What We Do Best

Universal North America steps up when policyholders need help. Our top priority is to help you get back to your everyday life. As quickly as possible.


Who We Are

Dependable. Strong. Visionary. With around the clock assistance and first-class service, we recognize that taking care of policyholders is the most important thing we do.


Doing Our Best is How We Do Business

Today and every day ahead, our commitment is to do right by our customers. That means maintaining financial reserves and adequate reinsurance so you don’t have to worry about whether your insurance company can pay its claims.