Condominium Insurance

Condominium owners may have some coverage for the exterior building structure under their condo association’s policy. The extent of association coverage varies significantly and usually does not insure your contents or improvements. That’s a significant gap in coverage, but can be filled by having reliable, sufficient protection. Universal North America’s Condominium coverage fills that gap — and gives you peace of mind.

Look to Universal North America for the right Condominium protection, including:

Covers the interior structure and permanently attached fixtures.

Personal Belongings and Valuables
Replacement value for items such as clothing, furniture and appliances up to policy limits.

Personal Liability
In case someone is injured or their property is damaged and the condo unit owner is legally responsible.

Medical Payments
Medical expenses for anyone outside the household who is injured while visiting.

Additional Living Expenses
If a covered claim prevents an individual or family from living in their condo.

Loss Assessment
Costs levied by a condo association for a loss caused by a covered peril.

Additional Coverage Options
Expand your policy for unique or valuable items, like fine art or jewelry, which may not be adequately covered under standard policies.

Make sure you have the right Condominium coverage. Find an agent today.