Dwelling Fire

Owning rental property means you’ve made a significant investment of time and money. It’s more than a house; it’s a source of income. Make sure your investment and income are protected with a Dwelling Fire policy, also known as a landlord policy. Universal North America offers strong, reliable coverage for damage, liability and sudden loss of income.

Keep your investment safe. Universal North America’s Dwelling Fire policy provides coverage landlords can bank on, including:

Covers damage to the home’s physical structure up to policy limits.

Covers detached structures like fences, tool sheds or gazebos.

Personal Liability
In case someone is injured or their property is damaged, and the property owner is legally responsible.

Medical Payments
Medical expenses for anyone outside the household who is injured while visiting.

Loss of Rental Income
Replaces rental income up to the policy limits if the property becomes uninhabitable due to a covered damage such as a fire or storm.

Protect your investment by asking an agent for more information about a Dwelling Fire policy.