Flood Protection

Floods can strike without warning, anytime and anywhere. You don’t have to be in a low-lying or coastal area. The threat often comes after hurricanes or heavy storms, but floods can also happen after a drought or wildfire when vegetation is no longer there to absorb excess water. Flood insurance must be purchased separately because damage from flooding is not covered under a typical Homeowners, Renters, Condo or Dwelling Fire policy.

Universal North America offers Flood protection in partnership with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Premiums are reasonable, especially considering the coverage you receive.

Important Reasons to Get Flood Insurance Now:

Every home is at risk. Floods and flash floods have happened in all 50 states regardless of terrain or climate.

Almost 25 percent of all flood claims come from areas designated as “minimal flood risk.”

Flood damage is not covered under most Homeowners insurance policies.

Federal disaster assistance only comes after a declared disaster, and it’s usually in the form of a loan with interest.

Most Flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period before coverage begins.

With a Flood policy, there’s no loan to repay and coverage can be extended to protect valuable personal belongings. Once coverage is in force, immediate relief may be available through advances or partial payments.

Contact an agent today to learn more about the National Flood Insurance Program