
Your landlord is responsible for insuring the structure of your building. But protecting your personal property and valuables is up to you. Fire or other disaster could leave you without a roof over your head and belongings destroyed. Don’t take chances. Universal North America has a policy just for renters with the specific coverage you need. At a price that makes sense.

Universal North America’s standard Renter’s policy offers serious protection, including:

Personal Belongings and Valuables
Replacement value for items such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, art and heirlooms up to policy limits.

Personal Liability
In case someone is injured or their property is damaged, and the renter is legally responsible.

Medical Payments
Medical expenses for anyone outside the household who is injured while visiting.

Additional Living Expenses
If a covered claim prevents an individual or family from living in their rental unit.

If you rent, depend on Universal North America. Ask an agent for policy details.