Protect Yourself from Flood Damage

Floods can strike without warning in all 50 states, regardless of terrain or climate. And about 25 percent of all flood claims come from “minimal risk” areas. The threat often arises from heavy storms or hurricanes, but they can also occur after droughts or wildfire, when vegetation is no longer present to absorb excess water. So it’s important to be prepared no matter what.


Just Inches of Water Can Cause Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Damage

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the average paid flood insurance claim over the past five years was $34,000.


Don’t Risk It — Flood Insurance Is the Best Way to Protect Yourself

Federal disaster assistance is only available for formally declared disasters, and it often comes in the form of a loan with interest. Instead, think about solid, guaranteed protection — Flood insurance. It’s available to homeowners, renters, condo owners/renters and commercial owners/renters.


Protection is Affordable

Universal North America offers Flood coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program. Premiums are relatively inexpensive – especially when considering the coverage you receive.

  • Unlike many federal disaster relief packages, there’s no loan to repay.
  • Coverage can be extended to protect valued personal belongings.
  • Once coverage is in force, immediate relief may be available through advances or partial payments.


There is usually a 30-day waiting period before Flood coverage can begin

So call your agent today.


Ask your agent about Flood coverage, or learn more about the National Flood Insurance Program.