Get a Head Start on Hurricane Season

Dark, heavy cloud cover. Torrential rain. Winds building from 70 to 150 miles-per-hour. Hurricane season makes an unforgettable impression.

The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1, peaks from August to October, and lasts through November. Now is the time to prepare – during the quiet before the storm.


Start with Good Record Keeping

Photograph your home to record upgrades and valuables. Store important documents in a fire and water proof container. Be sure to include insurance papers, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, etc.


Stock up Early on Provisions

Purchase a three- to five-day supply of water, calculating one gallon of water per day per person. Assemble a disaster kit that contains first aid supplies, prescription drugs, cash, non-perishable food items, extra phone charger, a battery powered radio, a flashlight, extra batteries and blankets.


Begin Weatherproofing

Purchase protective panels for your windows and doors and install permanent fasteners so panels can be put in place quickly. Check and repair roof shingles, and seal cracks and gaps around soffits, electrical boxes, water pipes, wall outlets and dryer vents.


Clean up Outdoors

Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed, cutting away any weak or dead branches. Replace gravel or rock landscaping materials with shredded bark. Move loose objects, such as lawn furniture or garden ornamentation, indoors during a hurricane watch.


Know your Escape Plan

Identify escape routes from your home, neighborhood workplace and children’s schools. Designate an emergency meeting place for your family. Then, heed your community’s severe weather warning system.


Update your Policy

If you’ve made any additions or upgrades to your property since last hurricane season, be sure to ask your Universal North America agent about sufficient coverage.


Are you prepared?

Visit FEMA or the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) to learn more.


Protection starts with strong insurance. Be sure to review your Homeowners policy periodically with your agent to make sure you have sufficient replacement coverage.

If you need an agent, click here.