Water Loss

One out of three homeowners will experience water damage to their property at some point—most often occurring when no one is home. Left unattended, a small leak can quickly escalate into a devastating damage.

But there’s good news, too. The majority of water claims can be prevented with some minor adjustments to household routines and a regular home maintenance schedule. Take a look at these simple tips:


Inspect Pipes and Hoses

Check pipes and supply line hoses around toilets, sinks, the refrigerator and washing machine for condensation, corrosion and leaks. Replace rubber hoses and supply lines with durable stainless steel braided pipes.


Go Topside

Hire a professional to inspect your roof and repair broken shingles and deteriorated flashing.


Read Between the Lines

Pay attention to your water bill; a significant increase could indicate a leak.


Get Alarmed

Purchase a water detection alarm that will notify you if moisture is detected.


Dive In

Take action immediately to repair any signs of a water leak!


Start Appliances Only if You Are Home.

Only run appliances such as the dishwasher or clothes washer when you are home.


Travel Smart

Turn off water valves to the refrigerator, toilet, washing machine and whole house before you go.


Read more about preventing water losses.


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